Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a video matrix switch and how can I use one?
The video matrix switch is an important element for any video solution. Video matrix switches are the component that routes video from the video sources to the display monitors. Our video matrix switches are capable of routing video from a variety of sources, such as BluRay players, cameras, PCs, gaming consoles and many more. Choosing the right video matrix switch eliminates having to unplug, search for the right cable and re-plug video inputs each time it is necessary to switch video sources.
Video matrix switches can benefit users in a variety of verticals, from personal to professional settings. For personal use, an Avenview matrix switch can create a powerful and easy-to-use home entertainment system, where your video players, video game consoles and other inputs can all be utilized on demand without the hassle of manually inputting individual video sources. Instead, the video matrix switch transfers inputs at the click of a button, to help get the entertainment you want as convenient as possible.
Our video matrix switches can also help organizations of all sizes better leverage their technology use. Meetings will no longer be put on hold while presenters struggle to find the right video input for the conference room’s screens. Matrix switches can allow seamless transfers from a computer to a DVD player and back again, reducing interruptions and keeping your audience engaged. Security and infrastructure organizations can also benefit from easily transferring input sources, allowing personnel to focus on the most pressing feeds on the monitors they choose.
Avenview offers high-quality switches in several different formats, and our trained professionals are available to walk you through every step of the ordering process to ensure you receive the perfect components to match your needs. If you or members of your organization are frustrated with the amount of time wasted trying to figure out how to efficiently transfer video input sources, it is time to invest in one of our many video matrix switch solutions.
No matter the type of monitor you are connecting to, a video matrix switch can make the process as convenient and efficient as possible. Platforms such as LCD televisions, projectors and CRT monitors can all be connected to the same input through the use of the appropriate switch.
Our switches are available in four- and eight-port options, and both support HDMI, VGA or component video in full 1080p HD video. Users can easily switch between inputs with the IR remote, front panel push button or rear panel RS-232 control. Our video matrix switch solutions also boast minimal distortion, and the audio matrix capability means you will have the perfect quality sound to accompany your displays, even in large settings such as exhibit halls or boardrooms.
The Avenview HDM-SWITCHPRO-VW4 is the perfect choice for modern inputs and monitors that enable HDMI input, as it supports four separate HDMI sources and can distribute the feed to an equal number of HDMI equipped monitors. It also allows the user unprecedented options including, the ability to stretch one input across four monitors simultaneously or split screens with various inputs, all in full 1080p HD, with no loss of resolution.
Avenviews’s video matrix switches are the ideal solution for both professionals and AV enthusiasts to get the most out of their technology investments. We are happy to work with you every step of the way to ensure that your experience is as pleasant, convenient and cost-effective as possible.
2. What makes Avenview video walls different?
Avenview video walls are an ideal format for digital signage in all industries. While they often function as a single display, it is actually a system of multiple components including monitors, matrix switches, processors and controllers.
Video walls are a flexible digital signage solution that can be employed in a variety of uses. They are often used for advertising purposes with great success, and can help retailers, hotels and restaurants reach and captivate new audiences.
Video walls are also a common solution for security and control centers, as they allow the freedom to view multiple inputs simultaneously or to focus on one particular feed. Since video walls display a large amount of information used by many viewers simultaneously, they are perfect for monitoring security feeds, traffic feeds or any infrastructure that requires clear and reliable oversight.
Video walls can also be used in education verticals to create interactive displays as part of artistic programming, such as using them in the background of stage performances. They can also be used around campus to draw attention to upcoming events, display news and showcase accomplishments.
Virtually any type of content can be displayed on a video wall, making them the perfect means for restaurants to draw attention to their menus; retailers to showcase their latest products; or security personnel to monitor their charges.
You will need a video wall if you are an organization that wants to broaden its reach or stand out from the competition. In today’s fast-paced marketplace, organizations need to seize every opportunity available to grow and gain market shares.
Video walls can also benefit any organization that relies on consistent oversight and the viewing of multiple feeds to maintain workflow.
Our video wall solutions can operate on a variety of different platforms, depending on the selected processor. The DVI-AVUWALL processors are all based on high-end PC servers running Windows 7. This set-up runs PC-based graphics cards, which allow for maximum customization to suit your exact needs.
Other processor options, such as the HDM-AVXWALL, are chassis-based, meaning they do not operate like a standard Windows PC, but are “boxes” that run the chosen graphics card. This type of solution is software-based and runs on its own built-in proprietary software.
Avenview’s video walls stand above the competition because we provide standalone processors instead of the industry standard of having the video wall processor built into the screen. External processors are versatile tools that allow users to enjoy greater power and capabilities, while still being able to get easier service. For example, our systems allow you to design and create different video layouts—you can choose multiple images to fill up the video wall.
Unlike the competition, our solutions provide video scaling capabilities, allowing for video content to be scaled up to full 1080p image on each screen, dazzling viewers and making other systems look dull by comparison. Other video wall designs allow only for a single 1 X 1080p image to be stretched out across all screens, sacrificing resolution and image clarity.
By working with Avenview, you can be assured that you will receive the perfect video wall solution tailored to your unique needs. We work with you throughout the entire process to ensure that you receive the high-quality, cost-effective equipment your organization needs.
3. What is a video converter and how can I use one?
Today’s professionals have a wide variety of devices and programs that they can choose between for their presentation and audio/visual needs. While this allows individuals the option to select the programs and formats they prefer to work with, it can also lead to difficulties when certain formats are not supported by the organization’s equipment in shared spaces, such as conference rooms.
Fortunately, this problem can be avoided through utilizing Avenview’s Video Converter solutions. Avenview is proud to offer our customers the highest quality audio video converter options in the industry including, VGA to DVI cable adapters, HDMI, DVI, HD/SD-SDI converters and DVI VGA A/V converters.
Our converters allow users to mix technologies and leverage all formats both old and new to connect with the desired display. Having the right video converter on hand can ensure that both in-house staff and visiting clients are able to share their work on the organization’s monitors, making it easy for all stakeholders to become immersed in a presentation. Our intuitive technology can also significantly decrease the time wasted on trying to connect devices via the appropriate format, and can increase clients’ perceptions of your organization’s technological prowess.
Video converters can also be crucial in educational settings, where educators or visiting lecturers need to connect their personal equipment to often outdated equipment. The right video converter means that a presenter never again has to sacrifice their audio-video elements due to technical difficulties.
One of our most popular and innovative solutions is the HDM-SHAREPRO-IP. This crucial piece of equipment allows multiple users on the same Ethernet network to access the display without physically connecting their computer directly to the monitor. This means no longer searching for the appropriate input cable while your audience loses patience. For example, if your upcoming presentation is stored on your office’s desktop computer, but you need to access it in the conference room, the HDM-SHAREPRO-IP allows users to connect to the conference room screen wirelessly. This means you only have to bring yourself to the presentation, and can completely avoid any complicated setup process that wastes both your and your audience’s time and attention.
For organizations with teams that need to coordinate between different departments, the HDM-SHAREPRO-IP allows users to share images and video with anybody on the company’s network. This can increase the speed of collaboration and give your organization’s productivity a much-needed boost.
All of our Video Converter solutions carry Avenview’s guarantee and come with our industry-leading service. Not only are we committed to offering the highest-quality products available at the best price, we also want to ensure that the entire process, from inquiry to installation, runs as smoothly as possible. We understand that not everyone can stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in audio-video technology, which is why we take the time to ensure that you will receive the right solution to meet your unique needs. Or, for audio-video professionals, our trained staff can help guide you through any challenge. Contact us today to see how Avenview’s Video Converter solutions can help you get the most from your technology investments!
4. What is a multi viewer and how can I use one?
A multi viewer is a versatile piece of equipment that allows users to connect multiple input sources to a display. Users can easily switch to their desired input via the Menu settings, or position any of the inputs on a single monitor in their preferred layout.
Avenview’s multi viewers are the perfect solution for those who want to make the most out of their existing system, whether you are a professional broadcast technician, a digital advertising professional, security officer or simply want to take your home entertainment system to the next level.
All of our multi viewer solutions allow users access to both hardware and software controls. For software manipulation, users can access an intuitive web interface, complete with custom settings, to ensure that the system supports their specific needs. Our multi viewers also allow users to choose their desired settings through a handheld IR remote control or by buttons conveniently located on the front panel.
Our multi viewers are the most user-friendly and intuitive devices on the market today. Both professional installers and inexperienced personal users have found that Avenview’s multi viewer systems are both easy to set up and simple to navigate, making our multi viewers the perfect pieces of equipment to ease transitions between multiple input sources.
Avenview is also proud to offer the only multi viewer available today equipped with audio capabilities. The HDM-SPLITPRO-4A is an HDMI device that allows users unprecedented capability. Imagine watching all of Sunday’s games on one screen simultaneously, while also being able to select the game you want to hear, or switch audio channels in an instant. Or, for commercial purposes, show up to four promotional items while the audio track informs clients or customers about your organization’s special offers.
Our HDM-SPLITPRO-4A also offers broadcasters and A/V professionals, chromakey and rotation features. Our exclusive chromakey feature, or “green screen,” allows users to overlay sources based on color hues and chroma range. As more programming begins to rely on this feature, the HDM-SPLITPRO-4A is fast becoming the must-have piece of equipment for those that want to stay a step ahead of the technology curve.
Avenview’s multi viewer solutions support HDMI, DVI and 3G/HD/SDI systems, and we have many models available to ensure that you receive the right device to match your specific needs. Our trained professionals are ready to help walk you through the ordering process, and will take note of your or your organization’s specific requirements and budget. Contact us today to see just how easily you can enhance the performance of your existing system, or create a new solution that reflects your own custom needs.
5. What is HDCP, and why do I need to worry about it?
What is it;
High Definition Digital Content Protection, or HDCP, is a form of digital copy protection developed by Intel to protect digital content from being copied or transmitted illegally. Essentially, HDCP prevents copying of digital content as that content travels across connections. Most digital content players like DVDs, Blu-rays, Satellites and Cable Set top boxes all have HDCP. In order for the signal to be played correctly, the display device that these are connected to must also have HDCP. Furthermore, any other devices in the connection chain must also be compliant to HDCP. This makes HDCP a vital concern in ProAV, video wall, digital signage, or home theatre installations. Any switchers, multi viewers, video processors, distribution amplifiers, etc., must be HDCP compliant in order for the signal to be displayed properly on the screen.
How does it work:
The source device controls HDCP. When a digital content player is connected to a display, encrypted keys are exchanged between the source and the display in a process known as the ‘handshake’. Not unlike a submarine sending a ping underwater, the source player will ping the display. If a display returns the ping, the signal is transmitted successfully. If there is no return ping, the source will terminate the signal, the display will not show the content, and there will be an error message or no picture.
In-line devices in the connection chain must allow the transmission of these pings, or encryption keys in order for the handshake to be successful.
How to fix HDCP problems, and How Avenview Products handle HDCP
Problems with HDCP connections are sometimes just a matter of a failed handshake. If this is the case, the problem can be fixed by disconnecting, reconnecting and cycling power to all of the devices. This will allow the devices to attempt the handshake again. If all devices are HDCP compliant, this could solve the problem. If the devices involved are not HDCP compliant, the only solution is to use products that are HDCP compliant. Avenview manufactures a full line of video processors, multi viewers, scalers, switchers and video wall processors. As a function of their design and main use, all Avenview products are HDCP compliant; ensuring that HDCP keys are seamlessly transmitted between your source and display(s). If you find yourself in a situation where HDCP is preventing the image from being displayed correctly, contact Avenview. Our staff is well versed in HDCP and can help you solve your HDCP communication problem, or find the products you need to solve your HDCP problem.